Furlan Axel

FileFurlanAxelHi, I'm Axel, PhD candidate in Robotics and Computer Vision. I earned my bachelor degree (Laurea triennale) at the University of Trieste and my master degree (Laurea specialistica) at the University of Milano - Bicocca, both in Computer Science and both with 110/110 cum Laude.

Since 2008 camera based perceptive algorithms have been the main goal of my research. I mostly focused on techniques consisting in giving a probabilistic interpretation of the world around the observer. I started, during my master thesis work, with an implementation of an object detector and tracker based on the Implicit Shape Model within a Model Selection Framework, while my PhD work is focused on vision for probabilistic scene reconstruction and autonomous driving for electric cars.

In 2011 and 2012 I have been at the University of Michigan and at the Stanford University as a visiting scholar, under the supervision of professors Silvio Savarese and FeiFei Li.


Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione
Viale Sarca 336, Building U14, 20126 Milano, Italy

Informatics and Robotics for Automation Lab (IRALab)
Location: Room 1020
Phone: +39 02 6448 7823

furlan at disco dot unimib dot it

Research interests

Curriculum and PhD Thesis

My full curriculum can be downloaded Axel Furlan CV (2929 downloads ) .

My PhD Thesis can be downloaded Furlan PhD Thesis (1569 downloads ) .


Y. Bao, A. Furlan, L. Fei-Fei, S. Savarese
Understanding the 3D Layout of a Cluttered Room From Multiple Images
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
PDF available Understanding the 3D Layout of a Cluttered Room From Multiple Images full Paper (968 downloads ) .

A. L. Ballardini, S. Fontana, A. Furlan, and D. G. Sorrenti.
ira_laser_tools: a ROS LaserScan manipulation toolbox
ArXiv e-prints, November 2014
PDF available IRA Laser Tools (1999 downloads ) .

A. Furlan, S. D. Miller, D. G. Sorrenti, L. Fei-Fei, S. Savarese
Free your Camera: 3D Indoor Scene Understanding from Arbitrary Camera Motion
24th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2013
PDF available Free your Camera Full Paper (3353 downloads ) .

A. L. Ballardini, A. Furlan, A. Galbiati, M. Matteucci, F. Sacchi, D. G. Sorrenti
An effective 6DoF motion model for 3D-6DoF Monte Carlo Localization
4th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, IROS, 2012
PDF available An effective 6DoF motion model for 3D-6DoF Monte Carlo Localization (3476 downloads ) .

A. Furlan, D. Marzorati and D. G. Sorrenti
On the normality of the projection parameters
Mathematics of Filtering and its Applications (MFA), 2011
Long abstract available On the Normality of the Projection Parameters Long Abstract (2753 downloads ) .
Presentation slides available  On the Normality of the Projection Parameters Presentation (2415 downloads ) .

A. Furlan, D. Marzorati and D. G. Sorrenti
Scale-independent Object Detection with an Implicit Shape Model
Third International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP), 2009
PDF available  Scale-independent object detection with an Implicit Shape Model (3110 downloads ) .

Deliverable 5.2 of the RAWSEEDS Project (www.rawseeds.org), 2009


May 2013 Autonomous car driving live demo at Wired Next Fest. For this demo we had our autonomous car driving people around for 3 days in an offroad, heavily crowded environment at the city park of Porta Venezia in Milano.

March 2013 Autonomous car driving demo, interview and photo session for ``Quattro Ruote'' (automobile magazine). In this demo we showed the ability of our autonomous car to drive inside an indoor parking lot.

January 2013 Indoor autonomous robot navigation demo with Geo Scienza, RAI 3 (national television).

January 2011 Outdoor autonomous car driving demo with RAI 3 (national television). In this demo we recoded for RAI 3 some sequences of autonomous driving within the University of Milano - Bicocca campus.

November 2010 Indoor autonomous car driving demo at the Electrical Intelligent Vehicles Fair 2010 (EIV2010). In this demo we had our autonomous car driving people between stands of the fair for 4 days, moving through small spaces and in a highly crowded environment.


I work/worked on the following projects:

Teaching assistance

  • Computer architecture (Architettura modulo Elaboratori)
  • Microcontrollers (Informatica Industriale)
  • Computer Vision Lab
  • Robotics I Lab
  • Robotics II Lab
