Bonani Riccardo

no face picture

I'm a student of / Laurea (bachelor) / Laurea Magistrale (master) / Dottorato di ricerca (Ph.D.) / [select as appropriate] in Informatica at Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca.

I can be reached at youremailaddress [make life difficult for bots collecting email publicly available by, e.g., changing dots with the "dot" or "[dot]" strings, etc.].

Activity performed while with iralab

  • work title (in english)
    • type: / laurea stage / laurea magistrale thesis / Ph.D. studies / working as a research assistant (pre doctoral) / working as a research associate (post-doctoral) / staff / [select as appropriate]
    • ;

    • tutor:
    • ;

    • advisor(s):
    • description of work, as in the form richiesta stage / richiesta tesi (in english):
    • from [to, applies to stages only]