I'm a junior research assistant.
I can be reached at p [dot] colombo45 [at] campus [dot] unimib [dot] it
I studied in depth the operation of the ROS navigation stack, move_base, supporting and supervising internships of graduate students in the development of the following plug-ins.
- “global_planner": The peculiarity introduced in this development is the use of metric / topographic maps (from Openstreetmap) for the calculation of the route at high level, based on the position of the vehicle and the position to be reached, taking into consideration the rules of the code of the road.
- “local planner”: It uses the high level path generated by the global planner to calculate, based on an Ackerman kinematics, the linear and angular speeds (accelerator and steering) necessary to reach the final position of the pre-calculated plane.
- “curb detection”: integration and implementation of a simple curb detection algorithm within the ROS navigation stack using LiDAR data.
In addition to these activities, I also worked on supporting the work on the 2D mapping package called "slam_gmapping". This allows maps to be obtained by means of lidar sensors. I updated the package developed in the IRALAB laboratory called "ira_open_street_map", which uses the Openstreetmap maps to identify intersections, roads and buildings. The interventions carried out on this package consist of modifications to the existing data structures, with the replacement of more efficient structures based on Rtree that make it possible to make the various algorithms implemented in the package more efficient. Finally, I improved the search procedures for the crossroads closest to a given spatial position, a change that was necessary for some jobs being developed in the research group.
In parallel with these activities I worked on the integration with the ROS navigation stack of a robust odometry module that I worked on during my internship.
All the activities were carried out in agreement with the manager, prof. Domenico G. Sorrenti and the research fellows collaborating with him.
Activity performed while with iralab
Robust odometry for the USAD vehicle
- type: laurea (bachelor) stage
- tutor: Sorrenti Domenico Giorgio
- advisor(s): Ballardini Augusto Luis
- from 14.03.2017 to 19.10.2017