

PRECOMM.REGLOMBARDIA is not a normal research project, it is a pre commercial procurement (pcp) instead, funded by Regione Lombardia. It has the objective of developing an innovative hospital bed mover.

Different consortia of academies and private companies, as well as different private companies, submitted their feasibility study to the call, only four made it to the second phase.

The four admitted to the second phase prepared an executive project, and only two were admitted to the third phase, which includes the actual development of the prototype as well as an extensive experimentation.

Our consortium won the 2nd place in the 1st - to - 2nd phase evaluation and the 1st place in the 2nd - to - 3rd phase evalutation. Our consortium includes Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca, Politecnico di Milano, and Info Solution S.p.A.