The HCIM (Health Care through Intelligent Monitoring) project is funded by MIUR (Ministry for Instruction, University, and Research), and funds industrial research, development, and training in the ICT sector, to be carried out in Regione Lombardia.
The project aims at the development of a non-intrusive monitoring system both for the behaviour and the physical conditions of elder people, while at home, and in assisted nursing residences.
The system architecture includes:
- a wireless sensor network, covering the rooms of the home and allowing to gather and convey to a remote caregivers information on the environment and the person;
- a personal sensor facility worn by the user (inertial, and ECG sensors).
Both set of devices are used for different tasks: localization of the patient, classification of his/her activities, identification of particular events (e.g., falls), and monitoring of vital parameters. These systems can bring a substantial improvement in the quality of life of the self-home patients (or partially self-sufficient), providing:
- continuous monitoring of the state of the person and the environment he/she lives in;
- remote access, by qualified personnel or relatives, to the information generated by the monitoring system;
- an aid to the management of the personal activities.
- Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca (unimib); unimib is acting in HCIM through its ira lab, a laboratory in the Detp. Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione. It is worth noting that the project was setup and executed, from the beginning of the project and up to July 2012, through its nomadis lab, a lab. from the same Department.
- Consorzio Milano Ricerche (cmr).
- Beta 80 s.p.a. (beta80); a private company.